Photo Info: Clear Brook High School Broadband Communication students hold proof they all earned their fiber optics certification. L to R: Back row (standing): Jeremy Brooks, Garrett Williams, Jarett Magee, Gerardo Gonzales, Shedrick Coleman, & Baily Walker; Middle: Gretchen Jefferies (Certified Instructor) Connor Devries, Andre Boudreaux, Brandon Larouque; Kneeling: Juan Alvarez, Tristin Flores, Carlos Maldonado, Omar Kazi, Austin Livingston, Brandon Kraftcheck, Nathan Lee; Missing: Maricruz Rivera
The Clear Creek Independent School District strives every day to prepare students for their future. A recent program evaluation of the CCISD Career and Technical Education (CTE) program shows student participation in career-readiness courses in grades 7 through 12 continue to climb, prompting the District to add new courses. To keep pace with workforce needs and student interest, a dental assistant program will open at Clear Creek High School in 2017, a specialty Robotics program will open in fall 2015 at Clear Brook High School which also is home to a new Broadband Communications program.
CCISD is proud to announce every student enrolled in the Broadband Communications program at Clear Brook High School just passed their fiber optics certification test. Open to all CCISD high school students, the Broadband Communications program prepares participants for jobs in copper and fiber network cabling, home and commercial audio, video, internet, and alarm security systems design and installation. Students have the opportunity to earn multiple certifications that are recognized by companies such as AT&T, DirectTV, Comcast, TMobile, Time Warner and Verizon.
The Robotics program has grown and flourished as an extracurricular program in CCISD, but the new Clear Brook High School program is the first series of Robotics courses at the high school level offered for graduation credit. This is a specialty CTE program housed at Clear Brook, but is open to all students in the District. This summer, the old construction shop at Clear Brook will be converted into an industrial Robotics lab where students will design, engineer, and build robotic devices and machines from scratch.
CCISD offers an array of CTE courses and up to 15 certification opportunities. Over a four year period, nearly 1,000 students earned state certifications with the highest